Treasure Hunts are outreaches to the community to let them
know God sees them as a treasure.

Each person on the outreach asks God for clues that lead to
the person he wants them to reach while on the hunt. These
clues are placed on a treasure map which is followed during
the outreach time.

The clues are followed to locations specified on each
person's treasure map. Then personnel attributes and
needs on the maps are used to locate the individual
treasures on God's heart. When a match is made the people
are shown the treasure map to build their faith to receive and
prayer is offered for any needs they have.

Prayer for salvation is also offered during these times.

People are amazingly open on these outreaches because
they are approached as being treasures for God instead
of being a notch on the belt.

Treasure Hunts are currently being held at Potter's House
Family Worship Center each Saturday morning from 10 AM
to 12 PM.

For more info contact Potter's House FWC at 989-772-5681

Our Mission