Criteria for approval of prophetic words, poems, short stories, banners, paintings and
songs submitted to this site

1) All content displayed on this site must be biblical (ie line up with scripture) in content and
in agreement with the doctrinal statement displayed on this site.

2) Writings and songs cannot contain any improper language .

3) All content should be for the purpose of edification, comfort, and encouragement and not
for the purpose of bringing correction or direction to an individual or body of people.

4) All submissions should be spell and grammar checked and sent in electronic form only
(This should not be an issue currently since that is the only form of communication

5) No copyrighted materials can be submitted by the users. Users who submit such matierial
will take responsibility for copyright infringement and not

6) All submissions must be accompanied by a name and valid email address to be posted.
We do not use the email address for any other reason other than tracking copyright issues
that may arise and will not share your email address and/or name with others for any other